Thursday, May 13, 2010

Preparing for Young Women

• After studying the thirteenth article of faith, make a list of things that are uplifting and virtuous. Discuss with a parent or leader how you can seek after these things. 

  13 aWe believe in being bhonest, true, cchaste, dbenevolent, virtuous, and in doing egood to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we fhope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to gendure all things. If there is anything hvirtuous, ilovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. 

Ok I do love this Article of Faith but I love them all - anyway I went over things that are virtuous and uplifting - I guess I included how I can seek after them too!

Listening to good music
Go to plays/cultural events/museums
Exercising - always feel better after doing taebo or swimming
Walking arround our pretty park area
Talking with good friends
Making worthwhile goals and actually completing them - a job well done
Helping others/service
Writing in my journal
Appreciating nature and the beauty arround
Living the gospel - fully
Smiling and being kind
Taking beautiful Photos/looking at beautiful photos
Looking for the positive in others instead of the negative
Completing bits of Family History
Temple work :)
Prayer and Scripture Study
Serving in a calling and magnifying it as much as you can
Knowing the Lord has answered your prayers

Ok I added that last one because I always a lovely feeling from the Lord when I pray to him and I am always left uplifted. I also went over this with Mark and was nice for him to see what I had written, but I truly feel these are virtuous and uplifting I can seek for these things by doing them but I also think that you let things seep into your life that add too much stress or noise in your life I think its nice to simplify and sift through. I know I need to do these things more often :)

Love Rebecca

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